How to share report through password protected link from web?

To share reports through password-protected links,
Step 1: Please go to the Reports section.

Step 2: Select the report that you want to share, select the date filter, and click on the “Share” option.

Step 3: To generate the report link,

  1. Select the “Expiry date” of the report link.
  2. Generate one random “PIN”.
  3. Click on “Generate” to generate the link.

Step 4: Once the link is generated, you can copy the link and share it with your customers or CA.
Click on Copy to copy the link to share.

Step 5: While sharing the link with the concerned person, you can also share the PIN.
They will only get access to the report after entering the secure PIN generated by you at the time of report generation.

The screenshot shows the screen visible to the concerned person when they click on the link.

The below screenshot shows the report visible to the concerned person after entering the PIN.